Monday, June 30, 2008

moral degeneration thermotron

moral degeneration

moral degeneration

As we said before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony.

Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown. Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.

Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior,

that the "President's sex life is none of our business",

or that sentiment uttered by another,

who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".

What this tells you is that these people have the same

Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.

Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,

the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.

I think you have gotten the point by now. America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.

But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?

And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal",

or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?


Blogger uuubigdummy said...

Mark Lamers – The Greatest Man in the World– and Fred Plont training at Thermotron


when i talked to ENSECO they said well– we will talk to Fred Plont

Fred Plont career at thermotron consisted of ,

1.. falisfying your travel time (embezzling)

2… Falisfying your labor time (embezzling)

3. Padding your charges (stealing)

4.. Take the customer to lunch!!

Hey —- it looks like Fred Plont’s job at thermotron was the same as Dean Tripp !!


or Hil Sybesma, and certainly like Gregory V Johnson—

and ENSECO fired — Gregory V Johnson– in about 3 months–

and they wondered how he managed to be employed at thermotron

under the management thomas Bannach and roger Cannady and associates for 3 years

— and all he was capable of doing — was changing solenoids??

Yes under thomas Bannach– and roger cannady and associates

and the replacement — David Waterfield– the thermotron idoit — pervert replacement and slander

his job was to lie cheat and defraud his co workers– steal and rob the customer’s and embezzle all he could.. rob
the customers and steal every thing he could–

Virgina Norris the last office support personall — said she was quiting — because Thomas bannach and gregory v Johnson —

told her they were going to harass and drum out — the remaining field service

Yes when Bill Bench at Russles technical Products said — Gee why did you leave thermotron–

When the reply was ” Thomas Bannach was lying and defrauding his co workers– and promoted robbery thief and embezzlement–

Bill Bench at russles Technical products –– got a bit “tongue tied” and studdered-– well we’ll try not to lie to you then–

and this was only possible for about a week–Image

then he told me working for him and Russles technicial products
“required” their field service engineers to lie cheat and defraud the
customer when ever necessary!

so it was time to QUIT that job.. Because Jesus — is my LORD — not a holland michigan church goer pervert

or a creepy white chackerImage

maybe that is why Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach–


only worked at thermotron for about a year !!

who know?? who cares??? no–one i met

7:32 PM  

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