what's u with this
ya ya ... bill bench... another guy who says that if u work for him , that your job is to defrad the customer when ever neccesary..
holland michigan.. dutch it's ok to ... because they told me to lie
holland michigan.. dutch it's ok to ... because they told me to lie
According to Doug Mahn, senior vibration application engineer at Thermotron..
when i worked this this character, on the LItton project in california.. all he had to do was duplicate the effort of an idenical project at Boeing Military in wichita..
But instead he was lying to Jim McGrew at Litton..and his co-workers and he failed to tell any one he was the "project manager" this miss managed project which lingered on for almost 9 months..
i guess it was about a 700,000 thousand dollar project..
and when LItton Ind. bought the addition follow on contract from Sexton Espec with tom patterson as the sales man...
Thermotron's price for the follow on contract ws about 500.000 thousand dollars more... Jim Mc Grew would say "tell your people not to get greedy"
Doug Mahn then call up the west coast and said "we" didn';t have to give them good service ..
which lasted until 6 months later.. when another contract came up..
like most of thermotrons sales man.. he was a liar and a slander.. and a swindler
Thermotron Dan Okeefe..
According to Tom Patterson the 1st Bob less Wiley national service liar.
Dan Okeefe brought a new and greater level of lying, deceite and fraud to the industry..
Dan Okeefe told him his job was to lie and cheat his co-workers which he did..
UNtil dan Okeefe dit it to him and he realized even he wasn't in the inner circle..and had stupit on his forhead and quit.
Roger Cannery a liar, slander and thief and embezzler protector replaced him.. but he didn't like to swallow when he gave dan a Blow JOb.
So dan fired him and got Dave WaterField as his next liar and slander.. he said he believes the lies of anyone who gives him a paycheck.. because he is a WHORE.
He Was replaced with Ron Wiley.. who bragged at what a good liar he is..
hello.. \
when u were at t land..
did u know Bob wiley.. who told his inner circle that it was ok to lie to him about what is goind on so long as they don't get him in trouble..
and the job of the service guy was to get the customer to sign off on the equipment.. it didn't matter if it worked or not.. just tell them it's under warranty..
Rom wiley .. not there.. told me he was a good liar like his daddy.
How about Tom Bannach.. who said "his thing" was:
1. It's ok to lie cheat steal and embezzle and defraud your co worker a little bit everyday because every one is like that..
2. if some one does a good job .. he will lie and say they did a bad job.
3. If some one does a bad job he will lie and say they did a good job..
4. I some one needs help he will lie and say they don't need help.
5. if someone dosen't need help he wil lie and say they need help..
6.. every one at t-land will believe his lies..
Tom Patterson (NOw at enseco)
After u lie cheat and defraud the first 500 people or so .. then it starts to get easer..
Don Bench Russles tech products..
Every company has their problems .. and at his every one complains about the wages.. because he dosen't really give much in job performance raises.. he is really a stepping stone company.. if a person "knows nothing" they can learn something there.
Bill bench.. It doesn't matter if the equipment works or not just get the customer to sign off on the equipment so we can get our finale payment.
John tenbrink... Old Bob wiley is as smart as a fox..
because he believes my lies..
when he was at Boeing airplane company for 6 months he spent most days starting drinking at lunch and stopp about 12 amor 2am.. during that drinking spree he married a kansas girl..
He daily falsied his working time..
He found it puzzling that Boeing would not hire him as a full time employee.. He encouraged his co-workers to copy his behavior .. because he didn't like to drink alone..
when he followed bob wiley to sexton/aspec... he was pulling the same fraud there... as marty rich .. said .. he would get his co-workers to be part of his embezzlement game .. then run behind their back .. and rat them out.. So he got introduced to sales
But now john is at envirotronics..
john really should have gone to prison .. but every one bobless wiley liked was a liar thief and embezzler..
now he worked his way to a sales position at environtronics..
woopie .. once again.. a male prostitute in sales.. how surprising,,.
At thermotron.. the average embezzlement when tom Bannach was on the west coast was about 15 to 20 thoussand..
Hil sysbesma said that robbery thief and embezzlement was not really stealing ,,..
bragged that gee didn't everyone know that good people don't work at thermotron for very long..
DId u know any one at thermotron with good character??
According to tom patterson, bill wybenga and others .. it's easy to find liars and people to lie for u at thermotron.. and as tom patters said
at thermotron people lie about what is going on even when they don't have too!!
Hmmm.. i haven't been at a place with such a large number of criminal psycopaths
coo .. there are many jpeople in prision who would like to work for this place..
glad u are giving them exposure!!
thanks ... keep it up!!
Yes the Holland mi perverts are retired or die
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