Tuesday, November 07, 2006

the run down

i am teaching high school now it has re-opened my eyes..opps.. wow.. i was wrong...!

!i guess the "business profile" for a successful environmental company has aproven history..(not like the e.com companies which failed)

ron wiley told me last year that his dad Bob wiley started espec.. and here i thought it was sexton Hmmm

John tenbrink did say that "old Bob was as smart as a fox"and that he would believe his lies
and it didn't matter if the equipment worked just get the customer to signoff..

and tom bannash .. did brag .. that every one would believe his lies..

and he was highly successful.. lets make him a "president" i am sure he would do just fine.

Hil Sybesma told me he wasn't as big a thief as some guy as named newville.. and that .. stealing wasn't wrong it was "working the system.

and the california thief's i worked with said.. it dosen't matter what you do to anyone so long as you get away with it and blame it on somebody else

and the wonder-full fred plont... "come-on paul.. isn't every one a thief anda lier?

and it's embarresing .. and here i thought i had a brain ??

oh well..enjoy the following joke

At a Holland Dutch and Christian Reformed gathering,

The superior Preacherstacked a pile of apples on one.

Subject: Philosophy Here's a lesson for all!

There once was a happy little fly buzzing around a barn one day, when she happened upon a large pile of fresh cow manure.

Since it had been hours sinceher last meal and she was feeling hunger pangs, she flew down to the irresistible delicacy and began to munch out. She ate... and ate... and then . she ate some more!!! Finally, she decided she'd had plenty. She washed her face with her tiny front legs, belched a few times, then attempted to fly away. But alas...she had pigged out far too much and could not get off the ground. She looked around wondering what to do about this unpleasant situation when she spotted a pitchfork leaning upright against the barn wall. She'd found a solution!! She realized if she could just become airborne she'd be able tofly again. So, she painstakingly, climbed to the top of the handle. Once there, she took a deep breath, spread her tiny fly wings, and leaped confidently into the air. She dropped like a rock and splattered all over the floor... Dead Fly.... The moral of this sad story?

"Never fly off the handle when you know you're full of shit.


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