Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Greetings Paul,

Speaking of on the road again.......you're heading West? Hopefully some place more reasonable to live than California. Personally, with the costs and taxes here in Michigan I sure wouldn't make this my first choice.
There sure were a lot of memories from T-land. Some good, some not. Some things that were going on in the field I wish I had been aware of--but, in retrospect at least it was something to learn from. I try to follow the "if you can't say something good..." philosophy so I won't say too much about Thermotron but the last 3 years seem to have made the problems with that management theory finally have a major effect on their business. It surprises me that it takes so long for results to be seen from both good and bad things. I would expect quicker results.

It seems to work for us to be aware of the competition but not sell against them or even address them too much in our approach, just concentrate on the equipment and what we will do for the customer. I have come to learn that there are some bad customers, very few actually, but it's best just to walk away and leave those to someone else.

Of course I think we could use more service people but I can't argue against the volume numbers I see coming in. The trend is up but not by leaps and bounds so we're still in a holding pattern as far as adding people. I certainly think you would be an asset. We don't have a wild crew (unless I'm missing something again) but then how wild can one guy be? As we get older we get wiser.
To thine own self be true. (and to heck with the rest)

I hope the move works out well and keep in touch.

Best regards,


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