Monday, August 18, 2008

pathological liar N thermotron

Pathological Liars n THERMOTRON EMPLOYEE'S

So you think you might be working with a pathological liar? No, you're not. He's just a big jerk.

A thief, a whore, and a liar Guess who's fake?

The popular stereotype of a THERMOTRON pathological liar--

1..a chronic liar, deceiver,

2...who lies to get out of things, or into things;

3..who tries to con you into something, or control you;

4..who cheats on you and then denies it,

5..makes up stories about where he was-- all this is wrong.

It's malingering, but it isn't pathological lying.

He's a tool, but he's not psychiatric.

Webster's Medical Dictionary defines a "pathological liar" as "an individual who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre that they are suggestive of mental disorder." Next to this definition should be this picture - a photo of a self-important, smarmy looking, all-too-coiffed ABC News "reporter" named John Stossel.

You may have noticed that Stossel is out hawking a book called "Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity" purporting to debunk those things. Instead, what we see is that Stossel is spewing them - and using his media platform as a megaphone of dishonesty. Stossel, in many ways, is exactly why I wrote my new book Hostile Takeover - to strip bare the opportunists, shills and half-wits who dominate our political debate and show them for what they really are: pathological liars.

"Pathological lying" is often interchanged with "pseudologia fantastica."

(NB: many psychiatrists use pseudologia fantastica interchangably with confabulation-- this is also wrong, as will be described below.)

Pathological lying was originally defined as complex lies which are internally consistent, that may drag on for years and-- and this is the key point-- do not have an obvious purpose or gain.

They are not lies told to self-aggrandize, or minimize guilt. They're not trying to con you into or out of anything. They're just making crap up.

The lies are unplanned, spontaneous. Once told, they generally stick (for years)-- but it's fair to say the pathological liar doesn't know what he's going to say until he says it. He is a bullshit artist who makes it up as he goes along, and who then believes his own crap.

And the lies aren't even useful lies. You ask him what he did last Saturday and he tells you he went to the museum; and maybe he says at the museum he saw a guy try to rob the gift shop, but he got caught by two off duty cops wearing blue hats. And later you learn he was really at a movie with his girlfriend and you think, why the hell did this freak make all that up?
That's why it's called pathological.

A pathological liar is like a 4 year old kid, who tells you what happened to him down by the lake. Meanwhile, there's no lake.

The important question here is this: does the pathological liar know he is lying? Or does he believe his stories? Is he lying, or is he delusional?

The answer is: both. Sort of.

He is not delusional, but he hovers in that half-world of the narcissist (oh, there's that tie-in), where the lies are believed until he gets caught, but then-- and this is the move that only a few can pull off-- he acknowledges that the "facts" are lies, but not the essence, the spirit. "Ok, look, I'm not really in the CIA."

But in his mind, he knows that if conditions were right-- if something big went down-- he could be exactly like a CIA agent, and that's close enough.

If he saw a suicide bomber, he'd be able to movie- kung fu him, grab the Sig Sauer and squeeze off a few rounds.

He also knows which wire to clip. How does he know? Because he's in the CIA.

If aliens actually did come and attack us, he knows he would actually be able to fly a spaceship.

Pathological lying is not "confabulation." In both cases, lies are told spontaneously and freely, without clear intent, purpose, or gain-- except that in confabulation, the reason the person lies is to fill in the deficits in his memory; he can't remember what actually happened. Hence confabulation is associated with dementia ("when I was 18 I went to Paris with my unit and I saw... 8 puppies get eaten by Chamberlain and de Gaulle-- hand to God I saw it"), and especially with alcoholic dementia/hallucinosis

("I don't know what happened to me-- six guys jumped me... yeah... six... Canadian guys, I think they were Satanists, no, wait, Stalinists, yeah, that's right, and they could read my mind...")

What about biological correlates? There aren't any, because this isn't a disease, it's a description.

Here's an example: an article entitled, "Prefrontal white matter in pathological liars" found massively (20%+) increased prefrontal white matter, and a 40% decrease grey/white matter ratio in pathological liars, as compared to both controls and antisocials. But before you crack an anatomy book to figure out what that means (more prefrontal white matter= more ability to think and reason),

you should know that the subjects they labeled "pathological liars" were really people who purposely and frequently lie to get a gain--

in other words, they were big fat evil scumbag liars, but not pathological liars. What this study found was that people who frequently lie develop a better brain for manipulating information, remembering stories, etc-- which is interesting, but not all that surprising.

My take is that pathological lying is a disorder of identity; the person imagines for himself an separate identity, and then fantasizes experiences and events which may be otherwise ordinary and predictable-- he went to the museum-- but in his mind happen only to "that" person. The lies hold the clues to that identity, but they may not be obvious. For example, maybe the part of the lie that's important isn't that he saw a guy rob the gift shop and get arrested, but that he was at the museum by himself-- the point is that he imagines himself a loner, or an artsy type, etc. Or maybe he's sees himself living in a world where crimes happen frequently. And maybe he thinks he's a superhero.

The pathological liar doesn't place much value in experience; it's all in identification. He doesn't need to be in the military to know exactly what it's like, because he's watched enough war movies (e.g. one) or read Tom Clancy. (Aside: that's the huge appeal of Clancy and Crichton-- enough detail to make you think you know the inner workings of the professions they describe.)

It's wrong to dismiss the lies as valueless; like Zelig, these people do have an intuitive grasp of the relevant thought process, emotions, affects, and even consequences of the experiences they describe. They're just made up.

So when he gets caught in his lie, he secretly blames the other person for not appreciating that whether it's a lie or not is trivial, irrelevant; it still affected him just the same.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

what is reality??

Ya tom bannach .. bragged .. What is reality??

what ever He says... is to be believed

Thursday, July 17, 2008

it's alll just a game.."Screw you guys, I'm going home"

Wheelin' and Dealin'

wow dan okeefe .. really is the most successful .. producer of environmental test chambers... ..

"Screw you guys, I'm going home"

they are a production company... wheeling and dealing....

Monday, June 30, 2008

alltempengineering and thermotron

Hello john dane

Do u know any one in the enviromental chamber business with good moral's?

tom bannash bragged U guy were stupid and would believe any lies he said, and bragged at what a back stabber he was..

He said U were just like him..! AND IT'S OK TO BE CURRUPT

Dean tripp said .. TB .. was a dishonest lierand thief when he worked with U.. is that true?

HIl sysbesma told me he has the same problem as tom bannash..

(can u figure it out?)

and Fred Plont.. said U are just like him,, and he brags at what a liar and embezzler he is..

and he didn't need to work for ENSECO for randy BUNn .. and make the BIG money in the union.. because he only worked 3 or 4 hours a day and charged thermotron for 8 to 12 hours a day..

MITCH kerr.. bragged to me that he believes what ever lies these perverts say..

and that they were BACK stabbing me.. WOW .. mitch is a heck of a guy....

it's no wonder that fred plont and others call mitch ..."mitch the MORON.. and the IDOIT follower...

WELL mitch told me he told tom bannash that he was going to "make more money then TB"

WOW i am sure that kept tom bannash up at night!!

Because .. bragged u guys would believe any of his lies..

it's not about the money .. it about the lies..

Fred said ..mitch and john are his "FRIENDS"

but ..."BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" besides they "think" they are better than other people.!!

TOM PATTERSON .. seems to be the only man i worked with that admits that his job was to lie and cheat deceive and defraud his co-worker

When i talked to randy Bunn.. before he went out of business.. i was surprised to lear the different lies he believed..

and because he and his father didn't hire .. QUALIFIED employees .. it was no surprise that he went out of business..

as i told him.. thermotron required and encouraged their people to lie to each other and steal and embezzle..

FIND A pet at thermotron and u locate an embezzler and a liar

thanks.. PPP

moral degeneration
moral degeneration

As we said before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony.

Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown. Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.

Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior,

that the "President's sex life is none of our business",

or that sentiment uttered by another,

who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".

What this tells you is that these people have the same

Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.

Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,

the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.

I think you have gotten the point by now. America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.

But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?

And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal",

or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?

moral degeneration thermotron

moral degeneration

moral degeneration

As we said before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony.

Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown. Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.

Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior,

that the "President's sex life is none of our business",

or that sentiment uttered by another,

who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".

What this tells you is that these people have the same

Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.

Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,

the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.

I think you have gotten the point by now. America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.

But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?

And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal",

or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

spinless gutless wonder

I guess i was luckly that many people were up front when i was writing my thesis.. and broke the code of silence..

i was surprised to find the "Clock" man ..out of detroit from honest sales man is hard to come by. i guess he forgot he is a sales man and as Mike Barrs said"U know when a sales man is lying because his lips are moving.

but i found it puzzling that he didn't know that most of his co-workers who i worked with didn't follow his policy..

Hil syspesma and other's referred to Tom Bannish as the "Spineless Gutless Wonder"
this is becsues he is a Passave Agressive Back stabbing Slander..

Dean tripp told me that re really didn't have the "Character to be a manager"

I pretty much figured that no matter what he said it was a lie..

the people i worked with under bannish mocked me behind my back for trying to live an honest life, and trying to do a good job.

(they said it didn't matter what you did to anyone so long as u got away with it and blamed it on some one else)

Dave durham the electrican called me "squeeky"

(but was quick to put a blade in someone back)

It was pretty horriable working with such a group of back stabbers,liers,theves and embezzelers..decevers (enough to last a life time)

As Bill Wybenga in accounting once told me it is easy to get people to lie for you at thermotron.

I didn't know it was a planned business profile.. funny none of the business classes .. used that .. model..

Interesting that They the holland church goers, the Dutch and Christian reformed teach the it is the "Broad Path that leads to eternal life with Jesus not the Narrow Path"

As Tom Bannish sent out christmas cards every year the said "Jesus died for my sins"

But Jesus said "whoever does what i have ccommaned are my deciples"

so tom bannish like many at thermotron are going to Hell.. no big loss.

tom bannish said he has more respect for people who are liars and who do "it " the hard way.

So happy new new year to u tooo
How are you? Are you still residing in Michigan?

With this weather I can't see why any of us stick it out -

oh yeah the $$$$.

This industry is so well paid we can't afford to leave. You know better than that.

Things started to go slow 1 year ago and really got bad after Sept. 11.

We've been holding our own but there is more used equipment on the market than the last 15 years combined.

All of the start-up and telecommunication companies that were buying fast and furious last year are gone or at least selling this year.

So it's another chapter in industry.

It is too bad about all of our colleagues that are being displaced but I guess it has to effect us as well as the rest of the country. In some cases changing industries is actually a favor.

Jim Roelofs is here but kicking back a little, we have tried to give him more responsibility several times and he says "No thanks".

He's reached that stage where he realizes responsibility has more drawbacks that positives and is real comfortable where he is - smart.

It amazes me how things repeat themselves and if you just pay attention to history you have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next.

Hope things are well with you .

Sunday, May 13, 2007

what's u with this

ya ya ... bill bench... another guy who says that if u work for him , that your job is to defrad the customer when ever neccesary..

holland michigan.. dutch it's ok to ... because they told me to lie

Thursday, March 22, 2007

banish the blasphimer

The Bannish Inquisition it's ok to lie cheat steal and defrad people because every one is like that..\ hil sysbesma.. i have the same problem as tom bannais.. i want to lie cheat steal and defraud people ... and i still want people to like me.. besides .. robbery thief and embezzlement is'nt really stealing.. it's called "working the system.." Sunday, October 1, 2006 Georgia (default) Verdana Times New Roman Arial document.getElementById('fontpopup').onmouseout = sfgate_chfont_mo; /* */ Neva Chonin Neva Chonin 03/19/2007 /18/2007 03/11/2007 Live! Rude! Girl! "If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed." -- Benjamin Franklin Why can't Johnny read? Because we won't let him. The 25th anniversary of Banned Books Week just ended, but don't tell me we're going to concern ourselves about this issue only one week out of 52. If nothing else, the censored-book list is comic gold, if you're at the point where you consider the human race a lost cause, which I kinda have, but that's another topic for a later column ... or maybe that's at the heart of all my columns. Huh. Is there a psychiatrist in the house?